ASRA's recent AGM elections brought several changes in membership. We warmly welcome Tamara Osicka NFSA @NFSAonline, Angela Schilling AIATSIS @AIATSIS, John Kelcher @JohnKelcher, Audio engineer Zach Webber @NLNZ, and Chris Paroz @SAEInstituteAUS. Sadly we farewell outgoing members Bronwyn Officer, Ken Berryman, Chris Arneil, Samantha Bennett and Jonathan Wraith #Sound https://www.asra.asn.au/asra_board.htm
Zach Webber
ASRA warmly welcomes Zach Webber to its 2020-2022 committee. Zach is currently an Audiovisual conservator at the Alexander Turnbull Library based in Wellington, New Zealand. He has been working in AV conservation for the best part of the last ten years and in that time has completed distance study at Charles Sturt in Australia, had an internship at George Blood in Philadelphia, USA, and worked as the AV and Film Specialist at Archives NZ as well as my ongoing work at the Turnbull.
Zach says ‘I’m really lucky to work with a great team, Bronwyn Officer, who many reading this will know, and Nick Guy, so am very happy in my current position. Outside of AV, I come from a music composition background, still do some freelance in that and also have interests in illustration, animation and spend a bit of time watching terrible movies when I’m not looking after my 1-year-old girl, Ripley.’
John Kelcher
ASRA warmly welcomes John Kelcher to its 2020-2022 committee. John is a freelance sound Archivist based in Otautahi, Christchurch operating http://soundpreservation.nz #soundpreservation #archives
Chris Paroz
ASRA warmly welcomes Chris Paroz to its 2020-2022 committee. Chris currently serves as manager of Library and Learning Services for SAE Institute Australasia and manages library systems and subscriptions for SAE Institute worldwide. Formerly a sound engineer, in a past life, he worked with musicians, TV and film directors in the US, UK, and Australia. Chris is passionate about the appreciation and preservation of cultural materials and is currently exploring PhD topics in innovation, entrepreneurship and strategy.
Tamara Osicka
ASRA warmly welcomes Tamara Osicka to its 2020-2022 committee. As an experienced sound archivist, Tamara has a passion for early recording media with a particular interest in home and actuality recordings. Tamara has been an archivist at the @NFSAonline since 1997. Over the years, she has done extensive research on wax cylinders and the early years of sound recording in Australia, piecing together the stories of the people behind the recordings.